Sunday, December 25, 2011

CastleVille - How To Remove Items Collection Limiter

If you face items collection limiter, here it's for the guide :

Video Tutorial best view on HD.

Prepare these tools :

1. Uncle Google Chrome
2. Mr. Charles
3. Text editor you can use notepad++ ( freeware ) or edit rocket ( shareware ).
4. CCleaner ( you can search this on google )

Step by step :

1. Clear your Google Chrome Cache with CCleaner then Open your Facebook account

2. Open Charles

3. Click CastleVille

4. Enable Capture & Breakpoints in Charles

5. Make sure breakpoints enable for this address :

6.  When you face many links just press Execute button until you find :

Execute this links
When you found the gameSettings.xml click the address then click Execute button ( for the first time )

6. Check on Structure Box in Charles your gameSettings.xml is starting download.

Look in Overview Box and wait until Request Size 5 MB ( gameSettings.xml filesize is 5MB )

7. After download gameSettings.xml finish breakpoints will be shown up

Click Edit Response
Click XML Text

8. Select all text in Edit Response then copy

Select all and copy all text
9. Open Text editor ( me using edit rocket ) paste to text editor

10. Find all these text in your text editor and replace  :

<limiter type="claim" amount="10" replace with <limiter type="claim" amount="99"
<limiter type="claim" amount="8"  replace with <limiter type="claim" amount="99"
<limiter type="claim" amount="5" replace with <limiter type="claim" amount="99"
<limiter type="claim" amount="4" replace with <limiter type="claim" amount="99"
<limiter type="claim" amount="3" replace with <limiter type="claim" amount="99"
<limiter type="claim" amount="2" replace with <limiter type="claim" amount="99"
<limiter type="claim" amount="1" replace with <limiter type="claim" amount="99"

Note : you can edit this value more than 99 ( example 999 )

11. After finish replaced then select all and copy

12. Paste it to Edit Response Box in Charles then click Execute

13. After Press Execute button you must disable Breakpoints and CastleVille will finished loading.

Breakpoints Disable
14. Done