Monday, December 05, 2011

Someone Stealing My Video Credits

LOL, another plagiarist and our ex member group ( John Libert ), He copy my text tutorial to his video description on youtube and upload my video tutorial on youtube with video title "Facebook Castle Ville Coin Hack December 4, 2011". 

This hack already patched. He stealing my credits.

4 days ago I was banned him from our group because he is a scammer and spammer.

Update : Finaly youtube delete his video, LOL.

For John :

Don't stealing my video and my tutorial without my permission, then you upload it to youtube without my credit.

But this hack already patched, why you still share to all people about this hack ? for scam ?? or your own profit ? Don't lie to people that's not good.
You uploaded it to youtube with video title Facebook Castle Ville Coin Hack December 4, 2011 then you give link on description to your blog, and you share that video to facebook with your account. But this hack already patched.

You said "i am not the one who uploaded it i am a victim of scam lol remove my picture here or i will report your blog." Uploaded by jlroa26 on Dec 4, 2011 , your youtube account is jlroa26 and your account was terminated by yourself.
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.  ( )
But you share that link with your FB account, it's not you ? so who's using your FB & youtube account ?
Don't be coward, be a man then admit your mistakes.
I really hate scam and plagiarism.