Friday, January 13, 2012

CastleVille Free Energy Part 1 - Jan 13 2012

CastleVille Free 25 Energy Part 1

Before you clicking these links make sure you have 
more than 10 Energy and less than 15 Energy.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 When you face :

1. Sorry, all rewards have been claimed
2. Whoa, friend! You've reached the collection limit for now. Try again later.
3. Empty Result ( Nothing added to your energy bar )

Learn by read the comments here and here 

Guide :

1. Click links one by one
2. After landing page loaded then click play Castle Ville
3. Check your energy bar
4. Don't close Castle Ville
5. Open Next link then repeat number 2 & 3
6. Repeat Number 5 until you face collection limiter, if you are lucky you will not face that shit.

Good luck.

Please God, no more people always asking me / send me comments / msg me / mail me about Energy & Items claimed success but energy bar value / inventory still remains.